Hi there! Welcome to my very own blog!
Every so often, I happen to build things that end up being surprisingly cool. And once in a while, these creations even prove to be actually useful.
I've been thinking of building this blog for a while, primarily to document my past endeavors. It would be cool if I could just pull out a documentation of my earlier works when I face similar problems, so I don't have to start from scratch each time a familiar challenge comes around. And while I'm at copying and pasting my own work, I might just share it with the world. Who knows? Maybe someone out there will find something useful among them.
And besides... every tech-head needs a blog, right?
My Alarm Clock Runs Linux - Part 1
So, it all started with a Stanford Lifestyle Medicine article about "What Excessive Screen Time Does to the Adult Brain". You wouldn't have guessed it, but it's not healthy! I know, I know, this groundbreaking discovery probably won't change the world on its own. The awesome thing about this article however is that it ...
Wiremod input from the real world
This is one of those posts you can't really appreciate unless you spent part of your childhood building weird contraptions in Garry's Mod with some cool Wiremod bits. I was one of those kids.
Building this blog
So I've been thinking for a while of creating this blog. But I tend to over-engineer my ideas, which usually result in me planning and designing things for weeks and ending up not building anything.
SteamOS but simple
Those who know me, aren't surprised when I simply ignore that there are better solutions to a problem, and start engineering my own solution to it. Sadly, this isn't the case here.